Wednesday, August 25, 2010

4 Week (Vacation?)

This last month, Todd went to a training for Avery in Massachutes. It was four weeks long so instead of staying home with Ty I visited family in California and Utah. It was fun and really good to see family but I missed my husband.

He's one cool dude! A present from Massachutes for when he's older!

He was so happy to be allowed to act like a monkey

What's Aunt Holly doing with such a stud?!

While in Utah we went to a family reunion at a favorite campground, Warm River. Ty loved it. He also loved showing his new pearly whites. He now has five.

I figured where Ty's blue eyes came from. They are almost exactly the same color as my dads.


  1. These pictures are super cute, especially the Warm River one!! Looks like you had a good time in spite of missing your husband, I know how it is!

  2. I've been watching for this "vacation" update. Looks like fun! I do love Tyson's blue eyes. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love it! Thanks for the new pictures!

  4. I am so glad you have a blog! I had no idea. Linds, Tyson is stinkin cute! He looks so much older then the last time we saw him. His hair is so much longer!

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE tysons smile in the picture from the campout! so cute! it was good to see you guys.
