Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas at the Millers

We were able to fly to Utah this year for Christmas. I'm so glad we were able to this year because who knows what next year will bring and where we will be. It was so nice being greeted by Todd's family at the airport. It's always good and comforting to see them. Tyson didn't take too long to warm up to anyone. It was so fun to watch him interact with his grandparents and aunts and uncle. I'm pretty sure he loved every moment of it.
When we first got there, Todd's family took us to eat at Texas Roadhouse, mmmm. It was delicious. After that we went to Temple square, see previous post. Ty was exhausted but at least he was happy. I couldn't complain about anything. It was such a relaxing vacation. There was sooo much good food and sweets, so much for my work-out schedule. We also played so many games. It was a lot of fun. Ty loved to walk around stamping his feet on the kitchen floor just to hear his own footsteps. He also has a new favorite toy. A push around ball popper. He couldn't get enough of it. Christmas was great this year. Besides getting everything I wanted, I had so much fun being with Todd and Ty. Ty didn't really get the hang of presents but he sure loved the wrapping paper and boxes. I'm excited to see what he'll do next year.

Temple Square at Christmas

We flew into Salt Lake on the 23rd of December and since I don't remember going to see the lights at temple square Todd's family made a trip just for me. I loved it! Absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe how many light they put on one tree. I highly suggest people to go see them if they haven't already. Ty was in amazement the entire night. I think he was either overwelhemed by the amount of people there were or in fascination of the lights, either way he seemed to have a good time. We'll have to go back when he remembers

New Hobbie

So one of Ty's favorite new hobbies is to see how fast he can unroll a roll of toilet paper.Unfortunately this was a brand new roll and I walked into another room for a minute. He was being too quiet so I go to check on him and this is what I find

Bye Bye Wisdom Teeth

I know I'm going to probably regret this but I think it's worth documenting. I got my wisdom teeth out in the middle of December. Besides the fact that the Novocaine didn't work and my mouth was the smallest mouth my dentist had seen. It wasn't that bad. I feel I recovered in good time and I glad to be rid of them.

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