Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thanksgiving fun!

Todd was able to get a week and a half off for Thanksgiving so we headed to California to spend it with my parents and see my brother as he got home from his mission. He are a bunch of photos of the trip that was really enjoyable and too short! 

Muir Woods near San Fran

I'm pretty impressed that my dad could fit in there and more importantly out of there

Cave Trees! (that's the offical non-offical Tyson-term for old redwoods with holes big enough to fit in)

We headed on over the the Golden Gate after the woods. It was the most gorgeous day, 60's no fog and surprising not too windy, despite what my hair says from the pictures.

He just so into this sharing thing. He likes to share what he is eating.

Like I said, a gorgeous day!

We were there at the perfect time. I was sunset as we were leaving and the lighting was so great. I just wish my camera wasn't blurry.

Amber and Branden came on Saturday after Thanksgiving and our kids enjoyed some classic fall fun of "helping" Gramma rake the yard.

Ty's 1st Football Game

Ty finally experienced a BYU game in the flesh. Of course it was the coolest game of the season but he had fun, mainly because Grandpa bought him a cougar-tail ( A really long maple doughnut) . Ty only lasted the first quarter but it was fun to have him there and make some fun family memories.

Our seats after the first half, when most people vacated their really nice comfy seats

Melissa was that close to Riley!

Just a little video clip of Ty's excitement for his first Cougar-tail, uh I mean football game.