I know it's been a while but it's never too late. These first pictures are of Colt (Blue Strips) and Ty's blessing pictures. I they are very similar. I think Colt is definitely getting his own look but I feel that they will have similar coloring and will look very similar as boys. I don't think anyone will doubt they are brothers.
Colt (1 Month old)
Tyson (2 weeks old)
I love my boys. I can't help but admire my boys when I see them all together. Now that Colt is 4 1/2 months (this picture is old) Tyson is having a lot of fun. They have started to interact and Colt always has a huge smile for his big brother. Sometimes I think Ty is torturing but Colt doesn't seem to mind. He loves it when Ty is right up in his face making funny noises. We'll see how long that lasts. Ty has been fun to watch because he really does love Colt. I walked in to get Colt out of bed one morning and Ty was already in there sharing his blanket (big deal because it's his SPECIAL blanket) and snuggling Colt. Colt was as happy as could be. When mentioning the boys I love, I'm not going to forget to mention my wonderful husband. He is so fun to watch with the boys. I learn so much from his playfulness and concern for the boys. I would probably be in a mental institution if it weren't for his reassuring hugs and encouragement on those days when everyone seems to be crying, including me. With that just said, I love being a mother even with the times of frustration. It gives me a good opportunity to learn to be better.
Tyson really love Easter this year. We went on a local easter egg hunt, sorry no pictures and every since then when he sees eggs he wants to find them. Luckily he hasn't taken them out of the fridge and hidden them. Sometimes, i don't doubt that would be something he would do. We also colored easter eggs this year and he loved it. We ended up with some very bold colors because Ty would drop the egg in dye 3 or 4 times even after we said it was done. It sure was fun to watch him.
I love this picture. This was Ty's very intense-show-the-colored-egg face. I have about 7 pictures, all with this same face but with different colored eggs. I know you can't really see the face but he was actually saying cheese, he just felt it was more important for me to get a picture of the egg than his cute face.
Another exciting thing Ty got to do lately was fathers and sons. It's a campout that members of our church went to that was for fathers and their sons. As far as I heard, Tyson loved it. He was a good helper with the tent and when they were done setting it up, Ty didn't want to do anything but sit in the tent. Todd said they spent their for 20 mins in the tent. Tyson loved roasting marshmallows and following the bigger boys around. One of his favorite things to do was play in this big pile of dirt.
I guess activities went to the late hours of the night, 11:30, and when it was finally time for bed, Ty slept like a rock. I'm sure Todd did too. I give Todd huge points because I'm sure he just chased a toddler around all night. It was my first night away from Ty, with the exception of having Colt. I'm not going to lie, I loved it. It was just me and my little colt man. He didn't complain or whine when I put in My Fair Lady and it was just fun to get some one on one time with him, something that doesn't happen very often. Anyways, Tyson sure looked like he had a fun time when he got home. He was covered in dirt and really upset when he had to take a bath. He is still talking about the fun time he had with camping with daddy. Sometimes when we ask him what he wants to do, his only answer is camping. Luckily we have a few campouts planned for this summer.