First up: Father's day Neck Tie Wreath.
I saw this idea and I thought it was super cute. I had a friend who also made one and she inspired me to actually get it done. It's really simple especially if your husband has old ties lying around. Luckily Todd had a few from his mission that were too funky to where anywhere else and this is an awesome way to preserve them. I had to buy a few from a thrift store so I think the whole project ended up costing 15 bucks, including the wire wreath. Step 1: Cut the ties 15 inches from the bottom (the fat end). Step 2: Wrap ties around wreath (My friend used a wicker wreath from dollar store and it looks equally as great.) Step 3: Hot glue in place. I ended up using glue in two places, one at the first fold over and another with the last fold over.
I used 17 ties. I left one of the ties uncut to tie as a bow. Overall I'm happy with the final project and It will be a fun decoration to bring every year for the week of father's day.
Project 2: D A D spells Dad
I saw this on pintrest as well and decided it would make a really cheap surprise for Todd since he already knew what his other present was. It was, the frame was 9 dollars and I'm sure you can find them cheaper than that. The Letters were 7 dollars. Ginny, my good friend, (happens to be the same friend who made the tie wreath) took the pictures. They turned out perfect, exactly what I was looking for. Luckily Ty was in a good mood and felt like smiling on cue. I can't blame Colt for being fussy, it was 95 degrees outside. They were both good sports and Todd said it was his favorite present. Thanks Ginny!
Project 3: Neck Tie brownies
That's all it is. Our ward had treat tables set up for the fathers to enjoy and all I had that morning was a brownie mix. (yeah I kinda forgot about it) I figured there would be a lot of brownies so I want to make mine a little different and festive. So I cut them into neck tie shapes. I ended up getting 20 out of the pan which was more than enough because there was sooo much food brought. I did try to make stripes on one of them using a toothpick and powdered sugar but that didn't work out very well so I ended up just sprinkling them with the sugar. Todd says they were good but I can't take credit for the way they tasted, it was just mix from a box.
Project 4: Forth of July Fabric Wreath
As you can tell, I was in a crafty mood this weekend and I decided to make another wreath. Again, I used an 18' wire wreath. I bought some festive patriotic fabric. 4 pattern at a 1/2 yard each. I did have some extra on one of the fabrics that I ended up using as a ribbon.
It's pretty simple, really easy for kids to help with if they can tie knots. All you do is cut the fabric into 1' by 6' strips and then tie the fabric around the wire.
I did two layers using every other wire starting with the inside wire. As seen as above. I kept thinking I wasn't going to have enough fabric but Don't worry I have plenty left over. If you plan on making a fuller wreath (all four layers, I would do 3/4 of a yard. I think that should be enough.)
I think the final project looked great but I felt it need a little sparkle so I added some red and blue star garland (1$ at walmart)
Here are the photo's from the frame. Thanks again Ginny. You really did do a terrific Job
I don't want to end my father's day post with out thanking my wonderful husband who is an amazing father. (Disclaimer: mushiness ahead)
Thanks Todd for putting up with my non-sensical craziness and for always loving me. You are such a great example not only for me but for our boys. They will know how to love their future wives because they see how you love and care for me. Thank you for your hard work and sacrifice to support our family. I appreciate that you work so hard so that I can stay home with the boys. Thanks for putting up with my whining and complaining, it is okay for you to tell me stop sometimes but i know you won't because you care about how I am doing. You are such a good listener, even when you are extremely tired because you only got 10 hours of sleep in the last 72 hours. I love the fact that you still bring a smile to my face just by walking into the room. I am the luckiest girl in the whole world, thanks for all you do. Happy Father's Day!