Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Birthday!

For Ty's Birthday we decided to celebrate by going to Chuck E Cheese. I didn't know if he was going to really enjoy it because he would able to do many arcade type games but he had a blast. I was actually really impressed with how cheap it could have been. We ended up buying a package with pizza and tokens but really you could go in there and just buy tokens. 20 tokens for 5 dollars and that's all you pay. It is 1 token for every game or ride and we had 25 tokens. We were there for an hour and a half, at least. It was a super fun activity and Ty still hasn't stopped talking about it. He loved that he was able to come home with prizes. It was definitely fun to watch him explore and I was glad that I could see he was enjoying his birthday celebration.

I think his favorite ride was the jet flying one that moved . Here he is with Todd, he really wouldn't take his eyes off the screen for a picture.

Here is my lazy attempt of a cars birthday cake. I had a much better picture in my head but when it came down to it, I just got lazy. I would love to decorate cakes but I don't have the patience. I was going to add green cactuses around the bottom egde but again I got lazy. Oh well, Ty's face was priceless when he saw all the cars on the cake and he is still trying to put them back up on the cake. As long as he liked it, I'm happy with it.

We officially have a two-year old!

I don't update my blog as much as I want to but I sure wasn't going to miss updating about my little toddler! He is definitely two! He has been acting like it for a few months with throwing his fair-share of tantrums. Although the tantrums can be rough, they are a small price to pay for the Joy that Tyson brings me and Todd everyday! He has such a sweet personality. He loves to give hugs and kisses and he is so good at saying thank you without being prompted. He loves his grandparents. He is probably more familiar with Todd's parents than with mine because we skype everyweek but I was surprised that after skyping with my parents last night he said "gramma and papa" opposed to the normal grandma and grandpa he says for Todd's parents. He is such a little talker. A few months ago, I would have thought for sure that he wouldn't be talking much by his birthday but in the last month or so his vocabulary has exploded! I can't list them all but here are a few of his favorites.
-two (for two years old)
- lineen queen (lightning mcqueen)
-Francesco (he actually says that one right)
-Thank You
-excuse me (or you. If Todd or I burb he will excuse himself, it's pretty cute)
-fox in socks (on of his favorite books)
-Daddy at work
-daddy at church
-Baby Colt (Our soon to be new addition)
-baby brother
most of these he will use in sentences with a few added jibber-jabbers but it is so fun to be able to watch him grow and be able to understand and comprehend what I'm saying.
A funny story of last week, we were reading the picture scriptures together last week and all of the sudden he raised both arms over his head and yells, "fire!" in a deeper more defined voice. There was a picture of fire but I didn't know why he had to say it all funny. We laughed and he did it again three or four more times. He then pointed at the T.V. and from his toddler put together sentence I picked out "giraffe, fire, zebra movie" I realized that he was quoting the giraffe from Madagascar when he hits the sticks together and makes fire and then yells "fire" in the exact way that Ty was just yelling it. I thought it was hilarious because Todd and I quote movies all the time and I didn't know it was a hereditary trait. He'd only seen the movie once, maybe twice before.
I just can't believe that it has been two years already. Time really does fly and I have set a goal to make sure I don't let a moment pass by of enjoying my little two year old.